ADR Sud-Est organizeaza concurs in vederea ocuparii urmatoarelor posturi in cadrul Secretariatului Tehnic Comun (STC) pentru Programul Operational Comun Bazinul Marii Negre (POC BMN) 2014-2020:

·     Ofiter proiect (2 posturi - perioada nedeterminata);

·     Ofiter proiect (1 post - perioada determinata)


Procesul de recrutare si selectie va consta in:

1.  Selectia CV-urilor

2.  Evaluarea Asset-urilor

3.  Interviu


Fiecare candidat poate aplica pentru o singura pozitie. Aplicatiile pot fi trimise pe adresa, specificand pentru ce pozitie se opteaza.


TERMENUL LIMITA A FOST PRELUNGIT PANA LA DATA DE: 19 Martie 2021. Aplicatiile depuse pana la aceasta data vor fi luate in considerare.

Celelalte prevederi din cadrul documentului „Vacancy announcement” raman neschimbate.

Noul calendar privind desfasurarea concursului poate fi vizualizat aici.

Informatii detaliate cu privire la procesul  de recrutare si selectie regasiti in Vacancy Announcement. Lista cu universitatile de prestigiu este disponibila aici.

Va rugam sa descarcati Declaratia privind datele cu caracter personal aici.



Joint Technical Secretariat of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 is looking for 2 Project officers within its team:


The recruitment process shall consist of:

  1. Selection of CVs
  2. Evaluation of the candidate Assets
  3. The interview


Each candidate shall apply for one position only. Applications should be sent by email to:, specifying one of the positions: PROJECT OFFICER PERMANENT DURATION or PROJECT OFFICER TEMPORARY DURATION.


THE DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL:  19 March 2021. Only applications received by the closing date will be taken into consideration.
The other previsions of the „Vacancy announcement” remain unchanged.

The new calendar regarding the recruitment and selection process is available here.


Find the full job description including the tasks, requirements and application process in the Vacancy Announcement. The list with the well-known prestigious universities is available here.
Click here to download the Declaration of the applicant regarding personal data.